Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How to Change Git Commit

Change Git Commit Message

During one of my developer testing, I have changed my machine date with additional one month. After Testing the fix I committed the code. But then realised git use my machine date as committer date. Now when I check the git repo, my commit with date change show as the latest commit.

How to fix that.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015

Change email address for user in WSO2 Identity Server


Sometimes users need to log in using their email address as username but they need to change their email address and log in user new email address. With WSO2 identity Server 5.0.0 there is no direct way to update email address when you use email address as username.  Because chaging the username (uid) in WSO2 IS 5.0.0 is not recommended due to several limitations. This blog post provide workaround for change email address and log in using your new email address.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Use Account Lock feature to block user token generation


In this blog I will describe how we can block user getting token. So I am using api manager 1.6 with installing IS 4.6.0 features.

Monday, October 6, 2014

JMS performance tuning with WSO2 ESB


WSO2 ESB can be configured as both a producer and consumer for a JMS broker[1]. As an example ESB can listen to JMS queue(Apache ActiveMQ) consume messages and send them to back end service. It can also be act as JMS producer which can send messages to JMS queue. In this post I am discussing about JMS performance tuning with WSO2 ESB. Performance of JMS service over HTTP can be reduced due to messages are being served by a single threaded JMS listener. There are few ways to address that. These are the steps to tune Performance.