Monday, October 6, 2014

JMS performance tuning with WSO2 ESB


WSO2 ESB can be configured as both a producer and consumer for a JMS broker[1]. As an example ESB can listen to JMS queue(Apache ActiveMQ) consume messages and send them to back end service. It can also be act as JMS producer which can send messages to JMS queue. In this post I am discussing about JMS performance tuning with WSO2 ESB. Performance of JMS service over HTTP can be reduced due to messages are being served by a single threaded JMS listener. There are few ways to address that. These are the steps to tune Performance. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

WSO2 ESB caching in Tenants


We use registry to store resources which will be used by artifacts deployed in WSO2 Products .This post describes some issues when enable or disable caching in WSO2 ESB.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rest Service with ODE process


Web services can be two types as SOAP or REST. BPEL processes communicate using soap messages.This post describes how we can call Rest service within our BPEL process.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Develop Simple BPEL Process


This post describes how we can develop simple BPEL process using WSO2 Developer studio and deploy and run it on WSO2 BPS server. Process will take your name as input and output with "Hello: " and your name.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Resizing images for Email


Re sizing or reducing the image size will be helpful for us in cases like
  1. Sending set of images via email .
  2. Portable drive space for set of bulk images
Most of email servers have limitations with maximum size of attachments. You can upload and provide the link but for some privacy reasons you prefer to send photos via email.This post provides just two commands for reduce size of set of bulk images.