Saturday, December 28, 2013

Load testing with Apache Bench


We use load testing to check how our application behavior when large number of requests concurrently access the application. This post is about how to do a simple load test with Apache Bench.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to publish Mock Service with SoapUI


SoapUI is well known tool for manipulating different tests with web services and rest services. This post will discuss about mock service and applicability of mock services in your service based projects.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is bpel


This post describe some basic concepts of BPEL which is a XML based language used to model business processes.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Simple MapReduce Program for Hadoop


Previous post we went through basics of big data processing and Hadoop. This post I describe some basic map reduce program structure. Here I have used example of counting words in large number of books. I have configured a two node cluster with distributed file system. Here we are using three classes as,
  1. Mapper class 
  2. Reducer Class 
  3. Main words Count Class 
Assume I have 10 documents having only words “hello” and “world”. Documents will be shared by two nodes. How much documents for each node will be decide by Hadoop framework.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Database level Pagination with JPA


Pagination is a presentation technique used to show large amount of data set in client UI side as set of pages with set of options like next,previous,first last etc.